Dissolution of Marriage in NJ

Complex dissolution of marriage in NJ involve high net worth dissolutions and litigation and refers to cases involving one or more spouses with extensive earnings and/or ownership of all or parts of businesses such as corporations or partnerships. Sometimes these are closely held companies, like with family-owned businesses, or they may involve individuals who hold stock and/or partnership interests in large companies, limited partnerships, and more. At times, it is necessary to engage forensic accountants to have businesses valued. Irene Shor, Esq. is a divorce attorney in Monmouth County who works with forensic accountants specializing in different areas to ensure an accurate valuation and the best possible result.


Some people fear the words forensic accountants; however, this is not necessary since forensic accountants can be very helpful in achieving the best result. It is imperative that individuals with businesses utilize the services of an experienced divorce attorney in order to make certain that the forensic accountants are provided with the correct information, that there is a thorough tracking of premarital and/or gifted and inherited assets, as well as, numerous other factors which must be considered. Irene has extensive experience tracking assets and overseeing forensic evaluations to meet client needs to the highest degree. She has the skills to make a high net worth dissolution of marriage much easier.

Irene Shor, Esq